Contact Us

Looking for sales?

If you're looking to place an order over the phone, our sales team would be happy to assist. Please visit this page for more information. 

Frequently asked questions

Message us on Whatsapp

The quickest and easiest way for us to resolve your query is by WhatsApp message. This allows you to drop us a message and then get on with your day while we resolve your query or request.


You can also send us pictures and other attachments which might enable us to resolve your query sooner.


To send us a message via WhatsApp you can click the button below and then simply say “Hi”! Our virtual assistant will guide you the rest of the way and ensure we get your question or query to the right department.


Email us

If you would like to drop us a message by email, please use our contact form.

Contact Form IE
First Name  
Last Name  
Address Line 1  
Your phone number  
Your order number  
What can we help you with? Please select:   
A little more detail please:   
Attachment   Attach files
Each of your file(s) can be up to 20MB in size.

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Contact us by phone

If you would like to contact us by phone, you can call us on +353 42 603 8014. Our lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. Our phone lines can get very busy, especially during peak times (March, April, May, September and October).

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