Out of season
Panicum virgatum Collection (3)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Cortaderia Collection - Pamapas Collection (2)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gaillardia Collection (15)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Cortaderia selloana 'Tiny Pampa'
How Supplied: 2 Litre Potted Plant
Out of season
Cortaderia s. 'Rosea'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Cortaderia selloana Alba
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Stachys Hummelo
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Dryopteris er. Golden Brilliance
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Stipa tenuissima Ponytails
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Panicum virgatum 'Hanse Herms'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Lychnis 'Molten Lava'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Panicum virgatum 'Northwind'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Lewisia cotyledon
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Knautia arvensis
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Heliopsis helianthoides Burning Hearts
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Heliopsis helianthoides Bleeding Hearts
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Centaurea atropurpurea
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gentiana septemfida
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Calamintha nepeta Marvelette White
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Bergenia cordifolia 'Eroica'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gaillardia maxima Aurea (Indian Yellow)
How Supplied: 7cm Potted plant
Out of season
Bergenia 'Bressingham White'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gaillardia Burgunder
How Supplied: 7cm Potted plant
Out of season
Asarum europaeum
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Euphorbia Blackbird
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Rudbeckia Goldsturm
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Miscanthus sin. Indian Summer
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Polystichum polyblepharum
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Primula Candelabra Mix
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Matteuccia struthiopteris
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Ornamental Grass Collection X 3
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Athyrium niponicum 'Ursula's Red'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Athyrium niponicum 'Silver Falls'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Helictotrichon sempervirens
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Gaillardia Kobold
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Athyrium filix-femina
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Carex ornithopoda 'Variegata'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Euphorbia char. 'Tasmanian Tiger'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Asplenium scolopendrium
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Red Head'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Scabiosa Caucasica Collection x10
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Oenothera missouriensis (Evening Primrose)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Euphorbia characias wulfenii
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants