Euphorbia polychroma
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Nepeta faassenii
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Pennisetum al. 'Hameln'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Scabiosa Perfecta Alba
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Lupins Russel Mixed
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Scabiosa japonica Pink Diamonds
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Euphorbia amygdal. 'Purpurea'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Lupins Dwarf Mixed (Minarette Mix)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Ophiopogon plan. 'Niger'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Scabiosa ochroleuca
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Epimedium youngianum Niveum
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Helleborus orientalis
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Molinia arund. Windspiel
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Epimedium Rubrum
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Helleborus Single collection
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Miscanthus sin. 'Variegatus'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Epimedium Sulphureum AGM
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Helleborus Single Pink
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Miscanthus sin. 'Zebrinus'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun'
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Helleborus Single Yellow
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Echinops bannaticus Blue Globe
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Coreopsis 'Star Cluster'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Coreopsis 'Mercury Rising'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Coreopsis 'Daybreak'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Catananche caerulea Collection
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Catananche caerulea 'Major'
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Catananche caerulea 'Alba'
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Campanula Portenschlagiana
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Mixed
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Aubrieta Cascade Collection
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Pacific Giant Collection 7cm
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Aubrieta Cascade Red
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Summer Skies - Light Blue
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Aubrieta Cascade Blue
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Guinevere - Pink Lavender/White Bee
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Anemone Japonica Collection
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Galahad - White
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Anemone hupehensis Honorine Jobert
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Blue Jay - Medium Blue / Black Bee
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Anemone x hybrida 'September Charm'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Delphinium Black Knight - Dark Violet / Black Bee
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Anemone hyb. Konigin Charlotte
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Agastache 'Black Adder'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Mystery Free Gift
How Supplied:
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